Online predavanja povjesničarke Lynn Hunt

Paralelno s “nastavom na daljinu” kojom smo trenutno okupirani u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima, upućivat ćemo i na brojna predavanja dostupna online. Seriju započinjemo, prema osobnom urednikovom izboru, s povjesničarkom Lynn Hunt – o čijim smo djelima već pisali na portalu – podsjećajući na njezina predavanja otprije deset godina o modernoj i suvremenoj povijesti koja započinju njezinom specijalizacijom – Francuskom revolucijom.


History 1C: Modern Civilization 1750-Present (Spring 2009, UCLA)

In this course, Professor Lynn Hunt gives 12 video lectures on Modern Civilization 1750-Present. She covers a broad, historical study of major elements in Western heritage from the world of the Greeks to that of the 20th century, designed to further beginning students’ general education, introduce them to ideas, attitudes, and institutions basic to Western civilization, and acquaint them, through reading and critical discussion, with representative contemporary documents and writings of enduring interest.



1C HIST LEC 1: Introduction to Western Civilization: Circa 1715 to the Present

Introduction: This course offers an introduction to Western history in the modern period. It is concerned with how the West and modernity came to be defined. It traces the rise of democracy and human rights, industrialization and urbanization, and nationalism and imperialism with all of their promises and problems. It also treats the discontents of modernity and the challenges to Western hegemony in the 20th century.



Lynn Hunt



Historiografska misao dana – Lynn Hunt: „Zaustavljanje rasprave o povijesnoj istini ide ruku pod ruku s autoritarizmom“


Lynn Hunt, “History: Why it Matters”


Igor Drvendžija – prikaz knjige – Lynn Hunt, “Writing History in the Global Era”, 2014.


Tomislav Bali – Što je vrijeme povjesničaru? O knjizi Lynn Hunt, “Measuring Time, Making History”, 2008.




