Global History and Its Limits – A roundtable with Jürgen Osterhammel

Na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci održat će se u petak, 15. lipnja 2018. okrugli stol s povjesničarem Jürgenom Osterhammelom, poznatim specijalistom za globalnu povijest. Za tu prigodu pripremljeni su materijali o globalnoj povijesti koje preporučujemo svima zainteresiranima.




Dates: Fri 15 Jun 2018 10.00 – 12.00


Participants may find it useful to read the publications listed in the attachment, before attending the round-table.


Location:  Sala degli Stemmi 1st Floor, V.Sa.

Affiliation:  Department of History and Civilization

Type:  Roundtable

Organiser:  Lucy Riall (EUI – Department of History and Civilization)

Speaker:  Prof. Dr. Juergen Osterhammel (Universität Konstanz)


Attachment: Recommended Readings



Max Weber Fellows June Conference Keynote Lecture – Prof Jürgen Osterhammel (University of Konstanz): Transgressing Boundaries in Space and Time: Remarks on the History of a Global Public Sphere



Dates: Thu 14 Jun 2018 17.00 – 18.30



Theatre, Badia Fiesolana





There are huge debates going on about global communication in an age of almost unlimited connectivity. They take place in sociology and law, in media studies and globalization theory. The focus of this lecture is more specific and revives the old concept of a “public sphere”, suggested by Jürgen Habermas as early as 1962. In what sense is it possible to speak of a global public sphere? And what kind of history may it be said to have?


About the Speaker:

Until his retirement in March 2018, Jürgen Osterhammel was Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Konstanz, Germany. His publications in English include Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview (Marcus Wiener, 1997), Globalization: A Short History (co-authored with Niels P. Petersson, Princeton University Press, 2005); The Transformation of the World: A Global History of the Nineteenth Century (Princeton University Press, 2014); Decolonization: A Short History (co-authored with Jan C. Jansen, Princeton University Press, 2017); and Unfabling the East: The Enlightenment’s Encounter with Asia (Princeton University Press, 2018). With Akira Iriye, he is the editor of a six-volume History of the World, published by Harvard University Press since 2012. His most recent book in German is Die Flughöhe der Adler: Historische Essays zur globalen Gegenwart (C. H. Beck, 2017). He is a recipient of several awards including the Leibniz-Preis (2010) and the Toynbee Prize (2017). In 2017 he was elected a member of the order Pour le Mérite, the highest distinction for the arts and sciences in Germany.


The Lecture will be introduced by Angelo Caglioti (MW Fellow, HEC).


