MWP Multidisciplinary Research Workshop – National Political Communities and International Institutions

Na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci održava se 11. i 12. lipnja 2018. radionica s ciljem otvaranja šire diskusije o aktualnim nacionalističkim i populističkim kritikama europskih i međunarodnih institucija u kojoj sudjeluju povjesničari, politolozi i pravnici.








Dates: Mon 11 Jun 2018 14.00 – 17.00
Tue 12 Jun 2018 10.00 – 17.30



As Western democracies display an increasing ambivalence towards liberal internationalism, this workshop explores the dual nature of international institutions as both a source of political leverage and instability for modern nation-states. International institutions emerged in the context of the long transition from a world of empires to a world of autonomous nation-states. During the course of the twentieth century national communities have frequently used international organizations to assert their influence over foreign relations and the world economy. At the same time, a variety of actors have disrupted the locus of national political legitimacy by harnessing international structures to advance moral and legal claims. International institutions have also generated conflict by reinforcing asymmetries within and between different national communities, often as a legacy of imperial rule. The recent wave of ‘anti-globalist’ and anti-European sentiment has highlighted these ambiguities and elicited nationalist reinterpretations of international standards and norms. Considering these changing perceptions in the political mainstream, the workshop will assess whether the staying power that sustained international institutions during the twentieth century will continue in the twenty-first. We aim to facilitate a wide-ranging discussion of current nationalist and populist critiques of European and international institutions that will bridge the fields of political science, history, and law.



The event will also constitute an opportunity to discuss, in an interdisciplinary context, recent literature addressing these tensions, such as Mark Mazower’s No Enchanted Palace, Glenda Sluga’s Internationalism in the Age of Nationalism, Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro’s The Internationalists, Jan-Werner Müller’s What is Populism?, Guy Fiti Sinclair’s To Reform the World, and Samuel Moyn’s Not Enough: Human Rights in an Unequal World.



MWP Organisers: Angelo Caglioti (MWF-HEC), León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (MWF-LAW), Madeleine Dungy (MWF-HEC)



Location: Emeroteca, Badia Fiesolana


Affiliation: Max Weber Programme Department of History and Civilization


Type: Workshop


Attachment: Workshop Programme


